30+ UX Myths that debunk common web design misconceptions

If you read this blog, you probably believe in building websites based on evidence, not false beliefs. If so, then you should read UX Myths – the brainchild of UX designers Zoltán GĂłcza and Zoltán Kollin.

This is what they say about UX Myths:

Our goal is to provide evidence in user experience design that can help stakeholders move away from design decisions that are based merely on beliefs and personal opinions. But you should still do your own research, check how your design performs.

We’ve collected a lot of research data, as well as facts, quotes and articles from well-known designers and web experts in order to debunk the common web design misconception.

Here are my personal favorite myths:

  1. People read on the web (myth #1)
  2. People don’t scroll (myth #3)
  3. You need to redesign your website periodically (myth #11)
  4. You are like your users (myth #14)
  5. Users make optimal choices (myth #15)
  6. The homepage is your most important page (myth #17)
  7. People can tell you what they want (myth #21)
  8. People are rational (myth #29)
  9. If you are an expert, you don’t need to test your design (myth #30)
  10. Success happens overnight (myth #32)

Read them all at uxmyths.com or download this pdf, print it and put them on the wall (a Behance project).