In February I´ve send 4 Behavioral Insights newsletters. The number of subscribers doubled, so it´s growing steady. Here are the facts and top clicked articles from the February issues.
- Subscribers on January 31st: 34
- Subscribers on February 28th: 68 (+34)
- E-mails send: 4
- Average Open Rate: 69%
- Average Click Rate: 30%
Top 10 links clicked
- Personalization at Spotify: the 60 million active users have created over 1.5 billion playlists. “But this abundance of options can also make users feel a bit lost. How do you find that right playlist for your workout from over a billion playlists? How do you discover new albums which are relevant to your taste?” This post explains how Spotify helps their users discover relevant music by personalizing their experience and how they have setup their technical architecture.
- Seth Godin: measure what you care about: “It’s not always easy to measure what matters. Sometimes, the thing that matters doesn’t make it easy for you to measure it.”
- Improving Customer Experience using Analytics. My presentation at MIE 2015.
- Should you use a carousel? Lots of data on carousel usage on mobile e-commerce websites.
- How should drop-down menus be activated? The pros and cons of hover and click
- Radical redesign or incremental change? Before you throw out the old and bring in the new, make sure you have solid evidence that doing so is necessary to achieve user-centered goals.
- Gerry McGovern: we need a measure for customer effort: “Year in, year out, the number one reason for customer confusion on the Web is confusing menus and links. So basic, so essential, and yet so hard to fix because most organizations have no measure of what confusion costs. We really do need a measure for customer effort.”
- The Future of News. The BBC is rethinking the way it will keep everyone informed.
- Facebook has become the internet: millions of Facebook users have no idea they’re using the internet. In some countries the number of people who respond saying they use Facebook is much higher than those who say they use the internet.
- Demystifying SEO with experiments, by Pinterest.
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