
I’ll be honest. Recently I was having some trouble with focusing on the right things. You might know it as procrastination. To combat this I am trying a…

Tools for Optimizing Digital Experiences

Yesterday Amplitude launched their new product: Amplitude Experiment. Yet another vendor extending their offering in the space of ‘optimizing digital experiences’. I believe that in the end all…

I don’t care about cookies

Since regulation requires website owners to ask visitors for consent before placing any cookies (and other identifiers), surfing the web feels like playing this cookie consent game. This…

It’s Groundhog Day

In this classic film weatherman Phil Connors (Bill Murray) gets trapped in a small town in Pennsylvania, Punxsutawney. After reporting about the yearly Groundhog Day festivities, he can’t…

Multivariate Testing Is Overrated

Last week I read in a report from one of the big strategic consultancy firms: “you should be doing multivariate testing”. This advice seems logical. Multivariate testing is…


This is for all parents working from home and also have to homeschool their children. How do you combine your own work, helping the children, while maintaining peace…

New York Times special front page

Today’s front page of The New York Times contains no images, headlines or articles. It’s a long list of 1.000 names who lost their lives due to corona.…

Jake quits smoking

Jake Albaugh wants to quit smoking and to help himself along the way, he has created a dashboard that lists the time passed since quitting. And also the…

My Favourite Podcasts – 2019 update

Listening to podcasts has gently become a new habit for me.  It is the perfect medium to fill “in-between times” like commutes, exercising, cleaning or ironing.  I use…

Fresh Start Effect

Happy 2019! I have been reading up on the new year resolutions phenomenon. We all know that everyone starts with new intentions, but a few weeks into the…

Creative flow

Recently I made my first painting. And I loved the process. It is an activity where you can completely immerse yourself in. And it is something where you…

Why I write this blog

3 reasons why I write this blog … to become a better writer: I believe that training my writing skills every day will eventually make me a better…

The day there is no news

The 8 o’clock news is always 20 minutes long. Somehow the amount of news is independent of the quantity or impact of the events that happened that day. …

Best Analytics Newsletters

The field of analytics is changing rapidly. And for many analytics professionals, it is hard to keep up with all new developments. One of the best and easiest…

Teletekst: still my favorite newsapp

Teletekst remains very popular in The Netherlands. In other countries (like Great Britain and Belgium) the local Ceefax initiatives have been shutdown. The succes of the Dutch Teletext…

Newsletter Report February 2015

In February IŽve send 4 Behavioral Insights newsletters. The number of subscribers doubled, so itŽs growing steady. Here are the facts and top clicked articles from the February issues.

Newsletter Report January 2015

It’s been 4 weeks since my first Behavioral Insights newsletter went out. Time for some facts and an overview of the top links.

The selfies phenomenon

It’s a strange sight, a group of people taking a photo of themselves. Dan Ariely, behavioral economist, shines some light on the selfie phenomenon:

30 Days to Data Storytelling

The people of Juice Analytics have created this great 30 Days to Data Storytelling.   It’s critical for analysts and presenters of data to share information in a way…

Unbiased Data

I just love the cartoons from Tom Fishburne. Spot on, as always: Data doesn’t have biases. It’s people who collect and select the data who bring bias to…

Happy New Year!

 and here are ‘5 New Year’s Resolutions That Might Actually Work‘ from Dan Ariely: Order an annual subscription to the Fruit Guy. Give a good friend the ability…

6+ billion tweets mapped

Eric Fischer made a map of 6+ billion public geotagged tweets. He open sourced the tools he used to manipulate the data: Making the most detailed tweet map ever.